Monday, December 19, 2011
Birthday Celebrations
I had Bergen's birthday off so while he was at work, I was able to make his birthday preparations. His two birthday requests were a night in and that I make him my version of Noodles and Company's Wisconsin Mac and Cheese. I made him mac and cheese (as the side dish) and also made pork chops suffed with spinach, gouda cheese, and bacon. I found the recipe in Costco's cookbook they give away on Black Friday and it's definitely a new favorite.
Bergen, well both of us actually, loves going to the market so the next morning we got up and drove into downtown Seattle to visit Pike Place. We had a great time looking at all it had to offer and getting into the Christmas spirit with all its decorations.
Sunday we went over to Bergen's parents for dinner. Karen had made pork tenderloin (one of Bergen's favorites) and then he opened presents and sliced up one of Costco's famous chocolate cakes.
My birthday was this past weekend and boy did I feel spoiled! Friday night I got a message from my mom that Pier One was holding a present for me to go pick up the following morning. My parents had gotten me the cutest measuring cups and spoons. They're so cute I can't bear to put them away in a drawer. Later that afternoon Bergen and I went to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie. We hadn't been to a movie in a while so that was a nice treat. Afterwards we got a Chicago style pizza for dinner.
All Saturday Bergen kept asking me when I wanted to open his present to me. I told him I could wait till my birthday but I caved and opened it Saturday night. His gifts were sweet. He got me a colorful scarf, a charm necklace and a bottle of bubble bath that smells like warm vanilla.
Sunday we went over to his parents house for dinner. Karen had made beef stroganoff for me. I've had that for my birthday for as long as I can remember! The presents Bergen's family gave me made me feel so spoiled and I love everyone of them! I feel very blessed to have married into such a great family.
One of my favorite things about my birthday was spending time with family-- whether it was in person or on the phone. It's a rare occurrence that I get to hear everyone's voice all in the same day.
WIth both of us turning another year older, I've got a feeling that this upcoming year has a lot of good things in store.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Today Bergen and I went down to Pike Place Market to do a little Christmas shopping. We thought it would be a fun to start the tradition of getting each other a gift from the market each year. Pike Place is one of our top favorite places to visit in Seattle. There are so many unique things to look at and you always learn something new when talking with the artists and vendors.
Before meeting Bergen, I had only ever visited Seattle during the summertime so I had never seen the market all decked out for Christmas. As we pulled up we could see Christmas trees for sale, lights strung, pigs on the roof dressed as reindeer, and even the Pike Place signage looked as if it was part of the Christmas decor. Outside farmers and vendors were selling fresh wreaths and people were bustling in and out of shops to and from the market with all of their gifts in tow.
We split up and once we found what we wanted met back up. Bergen met me with a colorful bouquet of flowers which have now found a home in a vase in our kitchen. I bought a bouquet of flowers with sprigs of evergreen tree and red berries which I thought looked very Christmasy to surprise my grandma with.
It is amazing to me how even the chilly, gray days we have had here can be warmed and brightened with a bit of Christmas cheer. I hope you all are enjoying this Christmas season. Wishing you a merry Christmas.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Happy Halloween!

Caitlyn and I had a great Halloween and 6 month anniversary. It is a tradition in the Knutzen family to have dinner at my grandparents, take pictures, go trick or treating and come back to have dessert. This year we were lucky to have two parties to go to. Caitlyn's Aunt and Uncle go all out in passing out candy to kids and having family over for mexican food. Yes, we did eat twice and paid dearly for it later.
A couple of days before Halloween we participated in my parents ward's trunk or treat. We decked out our trunk with spooky decorations and some classic halloween music. It was fun because my parents, sister and her husband lined up their cars next to us. It has been so much fun to participate in the holidays with family again. We are eating it up (sometimes literally with all the food we get fed). At the trunk or treat, Caitlyn dressed up as static cling, as you can see in the picture, and I wore a sign that read "nudist on strike". Next year we are planning on being more prepared and coming as some cliche couples costume. We have talked about mario and princess peaches. We will see.
I have recently discovered Printerest. I am addicted. I love arts and craft ideas so I have had a blast going through all the decorating ideas. I am researching the best ways to refinish or paint old thrift store furniture. I love that stuff. I am getting a lot of ideas. Caitlyn and I have been getting ready to move into our new apartment and we have had to think about how to decorate. It is fun to be able to do it all over again. We bought some nice couches yesterday and we still need a table, chairs and a most importantly a bed. I am sure the perfect ones will come up soon, it always seems to happen like it.
Caitlyn had her first day of work today. I am excited for her as she starts this new job. It is always exciting to learn new things, meet new people and just experience a new routine. I think she is going to like it there. I will have to have her write up a post about her new job and what she is doing. Anyway, thanks to whoever reads our blog. I know we are not perfect at it but it is fun. If you do read make a comment and say hi.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
A fun little project

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Hello Seattle!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
It's been a while...
Some of the fun things we have done together this summer has been decorating our apartment. We have bought all of our furniture from a lady who runs a blog called Shabby2chicdesign. He stuff is awesome and comes at a very affordable price tag. We have had fun putting our home together. Last weekend we went tubing down the Provo River. Caitlyn got a couple nasty buises from falling off her tube and letting the river drag her along the bottom. We also got pretty burnt in the 90 degree weather that day. It was a lot of fun.
I have a new hobby that has been keeping me entertained. Last weekend I bought a beautiful fish tank. It is a 12 gallon tank and it is one of the best tanks on the market. I built a great little fresh water habitat with live plants and plenty of fish. The filter on this tank allows me to do a lot with such a small area. It actually filters 160 gallons of water per hour. That is filtering all the water in the tank 13.33333 times every hour. It's fun and I am learning a lot about fish and plants. Right now I have five very small fish and 4 medium to small fish and 4 or 5 little shrimps. We named the school of 5 the jackson 5 and the other's marco and polo, houdini, and molly. Houdini likes to hide. In a couple weeks I will be able to add another school of five and a bit after that I can add even more.
What is really cool about this tank is when I get tired of doing fresh water the tank will handle salt water perfectly. I am really looking forward to having a small salt water reef some day. I am first concentrating on my fresh water. On a side note we still have our two gold fish (nelly and moe) in a bowl. We have had them since about october. They are going strong.
Now that I have told you a bit about what I have been up to. I need to have caitlyn get on and tell you all about what she has been doing.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The Whirlwind that was April

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
It's Finally April!
Bergen officially started work (aka getting paid) on Friday and has been running around between work projects and school projects. I keep telling him the end of school is insight. Graduation is the 22nd and Bergen's parents are coming in town for it. We're excited to spend some time with them and show them around good ol' Provo.
Our apartment opens up this weekend and Bergen is going to start moving stuff in. I'll be sure to take some pictures of the place so you all can see it. My friend Hannah is also throwing me my bridal shower this weekend as well. My sister, brother in law, and niece are coming down from Idaho for it so it'll be fun to see and spend some family time with them.
We'll be leavin

The clock's a ticking and we're eagerly counting down the days! The wedding will be here sooner than we think! Happy April everyone!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
I got a job!

I (Bergen) got a job at the place I have been an intern for all winter. I will be starting officially on April 1st. The company is Lime Marketing. They are a full service Marketing agency. We do everything from building websites to making iphone/ipad apps for a range of clients. It has been an awesome experience to work there. I have learned so much from everyone. They are growing fast and I feel lucky to be on the ground floor because we are working with some amazing clients. I will be primarily working with new clients and finding new leads for the company, so if anyone knows anyone who needs a website, amazing business cards, graphic design work, branding or an iphone app just come to me. I am very excited for the future with lime and I am even more excited to get my company issued iphone. There are a lot of things I can appreciate about Lime but one think I love is that they are pretty much completely paperless and we all work off Apple products. My bosses, Wes and Shawn, spare no expense at making Lime a great place to work. Every friday we have a Lime Lunch. All 30 employees go out to eat together. It feels like Lime takes me on a date every friday. I feel so blessed that Caitlyn and I both have great jobs within the Advertising industry. I feel confident that Lime will take good care of us.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Time for Cake!!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Nelly & Moe
Time seems to be flying by. As of today there is only a month left of classes for me. I am so excited to graduate and be done with homework and classes and even more excited for getting married. My parents are going to be coming to Utah for my graduation and I am really looking forward to that. They have never come to Utah while I have been in school and it will be fun showing them around all my favorite places in Provo. Caitlyn and I also found a great condo to live in. I can't wait to be able to live with her and get ready in the mornings with her and just spend all my free time with her. We will have to make a separate post just about the new place. We will do that when we can take some pictures. Just fair warning it's a nice place but we won't have furniture yet. Today is a such as beautiful day Caitlyn and I are about to take off for a walk. Thanks for following us on our blog. Adios.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
A Couple Pictures

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Tulips and Callas: It's Beginning to Feel Like Spring
My favorite flower is a tulip and since it's a spring wedding I really wanted to incorporate them. My bouquet will be a mix of purple tulips and hot chocolate calla lilies. The bridesmaids' bouquets will be the same just a smaller version. For Bergen and the groomsmen, their boutonnieres will have a single calla lily and some accents.
The wedding is quickly approaching! Somedays it seems farther away than others but it'll be here before I know it!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
It was a lot of fun to be a model for a morning and I can't wait to see the pictures (I'll just have to put it at the back of my mind for 2-3 weeks till we get the pictures or I'll drive myself crazy!). Nataly had a lot of creative ideas and I'm sure they'll be beautiful photographs. We'll keep you posted.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Wedding Invitations!

Another Month Down

We went to another bridal show on Saturday here in Provo. It had a lot of the same vendors that were at the last one we went to but still had fun filling up on crepes, sneaking kisses in the photo booth, and looking at different decor ideas.
This upcoming Saturday we'll be heading up to Salt Lake to get our engagements done. I've been emailing back and forth with our photographer, Nataly Harris, and she has a lot of great ideas. It should be fun and I'm looking forward to Saturday. I just have to figure out what I'm going to wear.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Our First Valentines Day Together

Yesterday morning, I snuck down to the parking garage across from where Bergen works and stuck paper hearts on his car windows and put my valentine to him across his windshield. He usually calls me when he gets off so it was fun to be on the phone with him when he discovered it.
After Bergen got out of class he came and picked me up. We went over to his apartment and exchanged gifts. He gave me two of my favorite Ritter Sport candy bars (dark chocolate hazelnut and raisin hazelnut), a card with some sweet things written in it, and a little voucher to Thai Pan Trading Company to get something to decorate our future home with. After he plugged in his Wacom tablet to test it out, we headed up to Thai Pan. He helped me pick out these cute ceramic birds and jar that I think will look nice on a book case or shelf somewhere.
Afterward, we went back to his apartment and had Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, and Caesar salad for dinner. For dessert, he placed a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the middle of my bowl, put a mint Oreo on either side as wings, and drew stripes and little antennas on it to make it look like a bumble bee. Little, goofy things like this are why I love him.
Bergen always does such a good job making me feel loved and made me feel especially loved and special yesterday. I told him Valentine's Day may just be one of my new favorite holidays.
Hope you all had a happy Valentine's Day!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Graduating has been an interesting change for me. Up to this point, I always had a plan as to what was next in life for me. Now, I'm learning to adjust to life after college and make new plans and goals. The job search has been a difficult process but it has given me the opportunity to really look at what I want in life and set my priorities. I've learned a lot about myself and really appreciated all of Bergen's pep talks and support. Last week, I did get a job offer for a position on the SEO team of a online marketing company and am excited to put my degree to use.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Cake Caitlyn made tonight.

This is an excellent recipe. Caitlyn made it tonight when we ate at her sister's house for dinner. It was all around good cooking tonight. Try this recipe though, it's amazing cake.
Some of the things we like to do together!

Some of the fun things Caitlyn and I like to do.
We have certain television shows we like to watch. We like The Office, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, Modern Family, Outsourced, Glee and No Ordinary Family. Sometimes we have to watch them a couple days later on Hulu but we always catch up.
We enjoy food. We do a lot of cooking, and when I say we I mostly mean Caitlyn. She is such a good cook. We enjoy going to the store, planning out meals and making cookies. I made Caitlyn a cookbook for christmas. I will have to post another blog just about about that.
We love antique stores and thrift shops. We go to the D.I. more than once a week. We just like looking at other peoples garbage. We talk about the crummy furniture and how we could make it look nice. We browse the books and small things and look for glass candy dishes for centerpieces for our wedding. We went to a place in downtown Salt Lake a couple weeks ago called Anthony’s Antiques. You had to be be a millionaire to buy their 17th and 18th century french furniture but it was a lot of fun to look at.
We have played racquetball but Caitlyn needs to get a little better to keep up. (sorry babe).
We like going to the mall or furniture stores just to look around and talk about the different styles we like, what we want our house to look like and what colors we like.
We go to church together everyweek. One week in my ward and the other in hers. It’s really nice to go to church with Caitlyn.
These are just a couple of the things we like to do together. :)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Bergen's Ring
The nice thing about palladium is since it is in the platinum family, it will keep its silver color without having to have the rhodium replated (like white gold rings do). It's also a pretty durable metal. What sold me on the ring was the detail of the hammered finish and milgrain edging. It just looked so nice compared to the other rings we had been considering.
Quick plug for Sierra West: Our entire experience with them--everything from looking at rings and purchasing them to going in and getting mine cleaned-- has been great. The salesmen are very knowledgeable, friendly, and very helpful. I would definitely recommend them to anyone in the area looking to buy jewelry.
Another thing I can cross off my to do list...
Friday, February 4, 2011
Center of Attention
I found the frames at Ikea which is another one of our favorite cheap dates. Swedish meatballs anyone? I'm planning on putting a picture of us or the Seattle temple in them. I just thought they looked really cool and I liked how you can see the picture from both sides.
I found the little "k's" at Hobby Lobby and am going to spray paint them green.
We're still in search of candy dishes and small vases. Last weekend we went to three different DI's in the area and couldn't find anymore. But, I think if we keep checking back over the next few weeks something will turn up. If you see any, let us know. I found some online and at Hobby Lobby so I can get them there if we can't find them at DI.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Bridesmaids' Dresses

Picking my bridesmaids was easy. Finding their dresses however, I felt would be another story. After seeing the trouble my sisters and friends had trying to find bridesmaids’ dresses I knew I needed to start looking right away. It seemed that could very well be the hardest part of planning a wedding. You have to make sure they come in everyone’s size, they match your wedding colors, they’re flattering and modest, and they’re within the budget. I was looking online and stumbled across these dresses at Nordstrom. I knew when I saw them that they would be perfect.
When they came in the mail I was so excited! I don’t know what it is about getting a package, I’ve always thought it’s pretty exciting—I guess it doesn’t take much to please me. And to add to it, this package was the first, tangible thing (other than my engagement ring) that I had gotten for the wedding. I was a little worried that the color would match since I ordered them online with out seeing them but when I opened the box, the dresses were perfect! Mission accomplished!
The Beginnings of a Wedding

As of today, we only have 90 days to go and the wedding plans are underway!
Might I just say, there are a lot of wedding ideas out there! My mom has been teasing me that I may not always know exactly what I want, but I always know what I don’t want. After hours of looking at wedding blog after wedding blog and flipping through the pages of various wedding magazines for inspiration we’ve decided to go with a vintage chic theme for the wedding.
We picked out the wedding colors when Bergen came to visit me at home during the Christmas break. We had gone to a few different craft stores looking for ribbons or fabric swatches and after being told that I was just too picky, we ended up going to Home Depot where I found paint chips in the purples and green which were exactly what I had in mind.
Bergen and I went to a wedding expo at Thanksgiving Point a few weekends ago. He’s such a good sport and we had a lot of fun checking out all the different booths and vendors. In between filling up on crepes, Italian sodas, ice cream, candies, and other samples, we snuck into a few photo booths, entered drawings, and got some good ideas.
I’ve really enjoyed starting to get things planned with Bergen. One of my favorite things about him is his creativity and he has definitely been putting it to use to help me with different things for the wedding. I feel very blessed and happy to have him in my life.
I’ll be better about writing on here to keep you all up to date on the plans. Stay tuned!