Bergen officially started work (aka getting paid) on Friday and has been running around between work projects and school projects. I keep telling him the end of school is insight. Graduation is the 22nd and Bergen's parents are coming in town for it. We're excited to spend some time with them and show them around good ol' Provo.
Our apartment opens up this weekend and Bergen is going to start moving stuff in. I'll be sure to take some pictures of the place so you all can see it. My friend Hannah is also throwing me my bridal shower this weekend as well. My sister, brother in law, and niece are coming down from Idaho for it so it'll be fun to see and spend some family time with them.
We'll be leavin

The clock's a ticking and we're eagerly counting down the days! The wedding will be here sooner than we think! Happy April everyone!
bahaha! I loved the book of the witches! good times!