Picking my bridesmaids was easy. Finding their dresses however, I felt would be another story. After seeing the trouble my sisters and friends had trying to find bridesmaids’ dresses I knew I needed to start looking right away. It seemed that could very well be the hardest part of planning a wedding. You have to make sure they come in everyone’s size, they match your wedding colors, they’re flattering and modest, and they’re within the budget. I was looking online and stumbled across these dresses at Nordstrom. I knew when I saw them that they would be perfect.
When they came in the mail I was so excited! I don’t know what it is about getting a package, I’ve always thought it’s pretty exciting—I guess it doesn’t take much to please me. And to add to it, this package was the first, tangible thing (other than my engagement ring) that I had gotten for the wedding. I was a little worried that the color would match since I ordered them online with out seeing them but when I opened the box, the dresses were perfect! Mission accomplished!
This dress looks like you, Caitlyn. Great choice, it's one that your bridesmaids can easily wear again.