Sunday, March 20, 2011

Time for Cake!!

For quite some time, we've been trying to figure out what to do for our cake. At one point while Bergen and I were at Cost Co, we were walking past those chocolate cakes (you know the ones I'm talking about) and out of exasperation I said we should just get some of those and be done with it! Luckily for us, Bergen's sister Kjaersti sent me some information a few days later from a bakery in Kent called Something Delicious.  My mouth started to water as I read over the cake flavors and fillings and they were pretty reasonably priced for what we were wanting. 

This past week, Kjaersti took in the cake stand and got the final details and I ordered it yesterday. It'll have three tiers: one moist vanilla with creamy lemon filling, one rich dark chocolate with a caramel fluff filling, and one marble swirl with soft fudge filling. YUM!!

Thanks again Kjaersti and Karen for all your help with this!

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