Sunday, February 27, 2011
It was a lot of fun to be a model for a morning and I can't wait to see the pictures (I'll just have to put it at the back of my mind for 2-3 weeks till we get the pictures or I'll drive myself crazy!). Nataly had a lot of creative ideas and I'm sure they'll be beautiful photographs. We'll keep you posted.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Wedding Invitations!

Another Month Down

We went to another bridal show on Saturday here in Provo. It had a lot of the same vendors that were at the last one we went to but still had fun filling up on crepes, sneaking kisses in the photo booth, and looking at different decor ideas.
This upcoming Saturday we'll be heading up to Salt Lake to get our engagements done. I've been emailing back and forth with our photographer, Nataly Harris, and she has a lot of great ideas. It should be fun and I'm looking forward to Saturday. I just have to figure out what I'm going to wear.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Our First Valentines Day Together

Yesterday morning, I snuck down to the parking garage across from where Bergen works and stuck paper hearts on his car windows and put my valentine to him across his windshield. He usually calls me when he gets off so it was fun to be on the phone with him when he discovered it.
After Bergen got out of class he came and picked me up. We went over to his apartment and exchanged gifts. He gave me two of my favorite Ritter Sport candy bars (dark chocolate hazelnut and raisin hazelnut), a card with some sweet things written in it, and a little voucher to Thai Pan Trading Company to get something to decorate our future home with. After he plugged in his Wacom tablet to test it out, we headed up to Thai Pan. He helped me pick out these cute ceramic birds and jar that I think will look nice on a book case or shelf somewhere.
Afterward, we went back to his apartment and had Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, and Caesar salad for dinner. For dessert, he placed a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the middle of my bowl, put a mint Oreo on either side as wings, and drew stripes and little antennas on it to make it look like a bumble bee. Little, goofy things like this are why I love him.
Bergen always does such a good job making me feel loved and made me feel especially loved and special yesterday. I told him Valentine's Day may just be one of my new favorite holidays.
Hope you all had a happy Valentine's Day!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Graduating has been an interesting change for me. Up to this point, I always had a plan as to what was next in life for me. Now, I'm learning to adjust to life after college and make new plans and goals. The job search has been a difficult process but it has given me the opportunity to really look at what I want in life and set my priorities. I've learned a lot about myself and really appreciated all of Bergen's pep talks and support. Last week, I did get a job offer for a position on the SEO team of a online marketing company and am excited to put my degree to use.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Cake Caitlyn made tonight.

This is an excellent recipe. Caitlyn made it tonight when we ate at her sister's house for dinner. It was all around good cooking tonight. Try this recipe though, it's amazing cake.
Some of the things we like to do together!

Some of the fun things Caitlyn and I like to do.
We have certain television shows we like to watch. We like The Office, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, Modern Family, Outsourced, Glee and No Ordinary Family. Sometimes we have to watch them a couple days later on Hulu but we always catch up.
We enjoy food. We do a lot of cooking, and when I say we I mostly mean Caitlyn. She is such a good cook. We enjoy going to the store, planning out meals and making cookies. I made Caitlyn a cookbook for christmas. I will have to post another blog just about about that.
We love antique stores and thrift shops. We go to the D.I. more than once a week. We just like looking at other peoples garbage. We talk about the crummy furniture and how we could make it look nice. We browse the books and small things and look for glass candy dishes for centerpieces for our wedding. We went to a place in downtown Salt Lake a couple weeks ago called Anthony’s Antiques. You had to be be a millionaire to buy their 17th and 18th century french furniture but it was a lot of fun to look at.
We have played racquetball but Caitlyn needs to get a little better to keep up. (sorry babe).
We like going to the mall or furniture stores just to look around and talk about the different styles we like, what we want our house to look like and what colors we like.
We go to church together everyweek. One week in my ward and the other in hers. It’s really nice to go to church with Caitlyn.
These are just a couple of the things we like to do together. :)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Bergen's Ring
The nice thing about palladium is since it is in the platinum family, it will keep its silver color without having to have the rhodium replated (like white gold rings do). It's also a pretty durable metal. What sold me on the ring was the detail of the hammered finish and milgrain edging. It just looked so nice compared to the other rings we had been considering.
Quick plug for Sierra West: Our entire experience with them--everything from looking at rings and purchasing them to going in and getting mine cleaned-- has been great. The salesmen are very knowledgeable, friendly, and very helpful. I would definitely recommend them to anyone in the area looking to buy jewelry.
Another thing I can cross off my to do list...
Friday, February 4, 2011
Center of Attention
I found the frames at Ikea which is another one of our favorite cheap dates. Swedish meatballs anyone? I'm planning on putting a picture of us or the Seattle temple in them. I just thought they looked really cool and I liked how you can see the picture from both sides.
I found the little "k's" at Hobby Lobby and am going to spray paint them green.
We're still in search of candy dishes and small vases. Last weekend we went to three different DI's in the area and couldn't find anymore. But, I think if we keep checking back over the next few weeks something will turn up. If you see any, let us know. I found some online and at Hobby Lobby so I can get them there if we can't find them at DI.